Top 5 Guestroom Concepts

Layouts, or “the way in which the parts of something are arranged or layed out“, play a crucial role in experiencing and physically feeling a space or room. The equilibrium of energy and main masses that compose a guestroom should be balanced enough to make the guest feel calm and relaxed. Sometimes that can be hard to achieve if the room is too small (or too big). 

This week we’re exploring five projects that arranged their guestrooms in unique and innovative ways, breaking the boundaries of conventional hotel rooms and what they can be.

Starting with the CitizenM London Shoreditch Hotel, it’s crucial to point out the fact that this was one of the pioneers of minimalist luxury; a room with the width of an actual bed and the necessary length to accommodate a bathroom and a desk while maintaining the design and standards of a high-end hotel.
The Toggle Hotel, a project inspired by the idea of an “on/off” switch that toggles between work and leisure, surprises guests with a wonderful two-toned and two-storied room.
The Cutyhub Copenhagen replaces traditional rooms with 215 “hubs” that optimise space remarkably while providing guests with state-of-the-art communal spaces.
The Trunk Hotel brings a fresh perspective into travelling in groups, with rooms that can accommodate more than four people.
The Standard London similar to other projects mentioned before comfortably fit the bed into very tiny spaces where guests wake up to a perfect view of the Thames river.


Hit the links below and explore the projects in TOPHOTELDESIGN.

London, United Kingdom
by  concrete
supplied by Hansgrohe
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  Chiyoda City, Japan
by Klein Dytham architecture
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Copenhagen, Denmark
by Studio Uberdutch &
Spacon & X
supplied by Hansgrohe
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Tokyo, Japan
by TORAFU Architects
supplied by Hansgrohe
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London, United Kingdom
by Shawn Hausman Design
supplied by TUUCI
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